
Oral Health

5 Reasons You Should Smile More.

A smile is a universally understood facial expression that everyone can appreciate. Regardless of who you are or where you come from, you are more likely to gravitate towards someone with a friendly smile, and conversely, it can help you appear more personable and attractive to others. The value of .....
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Category: General Dental

What Solutions are Available for Teeth Crowding?.

eeth crowding is one of the most common teeth alignment issues affecting children and adults alike. It refers to the orthodontic condition in which the teeth overlap onto one another. It typically occurs when there is insufficient space on the jaw to properly accommodate the teeth, resulting in over.....
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Category: General Dental

Natural cures for your mouth ulcer!.

Mouth ulcers are very common. Chinese medical practitioners deem the ailment stems from “heatiness” in the body, while Western medicine attribute it to viral infections and genetic dispositions. Whatever the cause, mouth ulcers can be very annoying.Some ulcers can make your mouth burn with pain when.....
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Category: General Dental

5 Reasons Why You Should Never Neglect Your Teeth.

According to a 2016 report in Huffington Post Australia, almost a third of all Australian adults have a form of untreated tooth decay while one-sixth of the population cannot recall their last appointment at the dentist. Other troubling news finds that working Australians are more prone to oral care.....
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Category: General Dental

Keep Your Teeth Clean and Healthy by Avoiding These Foods!.

If you care about having good oral health, then a good place to start looking after your teeth and gums is to consider what you eat and drink. In so far as controlling your diet as a preventive measure against dental ailments, there are four major groups of food items that you may wish to pay partic.....
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Category: General Dental